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The Mystery of Luminous
The Baptism of Jesus Christ
語音導賞 | Audio Guide
05 耶穌基督受洗 - 廣東話
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耶穌基督受洗是第二個下降,耶穌第二次來敲我們的心門。「耶穌在約旦河裏受若翰的洗。他剛從水裡上來就看見天裂開了,聖神有如鴿子降在他上面;又有聲音從天上說:『你是我的愛子,我因你而 喜悅。』」(瑪 3:16-17)
05 The Baptism of Jesus Christ - English
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Christ baptism is his second descent, it is the second time he knocks at the doors of our heart “And when Jesus had been baptized he at once came up from the water, and suddenly the heavens opened and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and coming down on him. And suddenly there was a voice from heaven, ‘This is my Son, the Beloved, my favour rests on him’”. (Mt 3:16-17)
Teresa Lan Chih Tung
Water gilding four layers of 24K gold on gesso board natural pigments egg tempera
55 x 70 cm
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